Russell Haswell is a 55-year old electronic musician and visual artist, most well-known for his extreme computer music. He currently lives in Glasgow, having worked together with Aphex Twin, Florian Hecker, Merzbow, Mika Vainio, Yasunao Tone and Peter Rehberg and released on labels such as Warp, Editions Mego, and Diagonal.
Tag: Diagonal
Sote :: MOSCELS (Opal Tapes)
MOSCELS shows Sote’s breadth and skills—which are already quite masterful—growing and expanding into new textures, themes, and places both sonic and cerebral. Growing and expanding […]
Sote :: Parallel Persia (Diagonal)
Anyone attempting to meld two seemingly disparate elements like this have set themselves up for hard work. A western musician, perhaps admiring the sounds and […]
WE FORFEIT (Mix 10.1 & 10.2) :: Baroque Sounds Of The British Isles & Music and Chips Sesiónes
Christmas jumpers abound. Secret Santa stalks the lonely office rooms, guaranteeing listless exchanges and backhand comments, as an interlude to wall to wall Harry Potter […]