This collection comes from outer space, from Tibet, Texas, Arizona, the Sleepy Hills, there are micro-audio interpretations, then tumbling back into deep space, ancient Africa and then settling over the Southern Ocean. This compilation features tracks from Spotted Peccary’s 38th year in existence.
Tag: Craig Padilla
Craig Padilla & Zero Ohms :: To Sleep On Stellar Winds (Spotted Peccary Music)
To Sleep On Stellar Winds is an epic space music album with Berlin-school influences that feature unique blends of modular synthesizers and wind instruments, to carry all listeners floating along the cosmic breezes to the outer edges of the universe, and beyond.
Craig Padilla & Marvin Allen :: Weathering the Storm (Spotted Peccary Music)
Listening constantly, the feeling is blissful, skillfully crazy guitars floating out there encircled by magnificent howling synths which move in the sky and fill the air like a thick cloud…
Howard Givens & Madhavi Devi :: The Celestial Expanse (Spotted Peccary)
Seamlessly morphing from live studio recording techniques to multi-instrument choreography, including modular and analog synths, digital synths, samples, and acoustic elements, Howard Givens and Madhavi Devi explore a mindful relationship with music, spiritual practice, and the self-healing arts.
Craig Padilla :: Discovery of Meaning (Spotted Peccary)
Imagine the machines that shape electronic music, baffling and terrifying, bringing back harmonies and rhythms that describe an imaginary inward journey that our speakers or headphones (or earbuds) want to take with us into fabled and ever more wild and innovative sounds and places.
V/A :: 35 – Ambient Electronic Sampler (Spotted Peccary)
Deliberately woven into a magical 77-minute sonic expedition, 35 offers an intriguing glimpse into Spotted Peccary’s world of ambient electronic music.