Pyramid Remix begs to be explored repeatedly, to lose you in its collaborative corridors, and let you find what you will most enjoy in it. It is certainly broad and open enough for anyone interested in the project to come out of the experience with something they will enjoy and remember.
Tag: Brainfeeder
Jaga Jazzist :: Pyramid (Brainfeeder)
Be it through careful panning, beautiful reverbs, or the way the pieces ebb and flow, this is an album that lends itself very well to being described as a trip.
Igloo Magazine :: Best of 2015
So here it is—from ambient drone to post-rock, jazz and modern classical, from IDM to experimental to post-digital microsound; hallucinatory electronics to experimental soundscapery, candy-color […]
Igloo Magazine :: Best of 2014
Here it is, well over 160 releases have been selected by various contributors highlighting some of the finest in an expansive array of music […]
Daedelus :: The Light Brigade (Brainfeeder)
Daedelus works in the fringes of genres, taking what works at the limits and pushing the boundaries just a bit more. What is the beat […]
Matthewdavid :: In My World (Brainfeeder)
This record is about as self-referential as they come and if this is his world and he’s happy in it, maybe we don’t have a […]
Teebs :: E S T A R A (Brainfeeder)
Naturally big on beats and bass, though refracted, after its founder’s off-kilter bent, driven less by boom-bap imperative than the diffusion of a heady vibe via tone color and harmonic motif.
E S T A R A is Born :: Teebs
News of a new album from tone-painting beat-poet, Teebs, due soon on Flying Lotus’s Brainfeeder. It was back in the mists of 2010 that LA-based […]
ALAN LOCKETT :: August shimmers and fades mix
The latest mix from albient, the mix-meddling / audio-fiddling arm of igloomag Contributing Editor Alan Lockett‘s expressive enterprise, hosts 19 audio-dreamscenes commemorating summer’s turn. A […]