These compact sci-fi-infused auditory slabs transport us back a number of years as they continuously shift and fade away, building up to an inevitable breakdown.
Tag: Aseq
Soul Data Transfer :: Soul Data Transfer EP (EC Underground)
The four tracks on Soul Data Transfer’s eponymous debut EP for ECU are delicately woven, abstract ambient-glitch morsels that flow and transcend space and time.
Marco Simioni :: Genetix EP (Kaer’Uiks)
Numerous sonic excursions exist, and it seems certain that Marco Simioni will not only deliver the goods but also develop and unfold them into uncharted terrain.
Igloo Magazine :: Best of 2022
After covering several hundred releases in 2022, many notables—including links to their respective Igloo reviews or release pages—are cataloged here. As usual, there are no winners or runners-up as the lists are alphabetized by artist and selected tracks are featured on our Soundcloud playlist.
Aseq :: RIVERS (Detroit Underground)
The vinyl debut of Matteo Mazreku’s Aseq project shows ambient electronic glitter merged with the imprints’ adeptness for constructive and often destructive audio visual delights.