This suite equally transports me into the gravity fields of swiftly tilting orbits, recalling the fun and excitement of the new worlds our old futures were supposed to have delivered us to by now.
Tag: Ambient Pop
Fallen :: Midnight Poems for Lost Seasons and Cripple Hearts (Móatún 7)
I think this is very good sounding ambient atmospheric pop, employing bass with keys, guitar, a touch of percussion sometimes and always within a framework of wonderful spacey electronics with some etheric vocals too.
Marcellus Lewis :: Only Elsewhere (Yellow Fantastic)
Marcellus Lewis bequeaths one of the most lofty releases of the year, confirming him as a master of world ambient pop.
Benoît Pioulard :: Sylva (Morr Music)
Oneiric ambient drone and polaroid pop from Kranky veteran, Benoît Pioulard, on a first full-length for Morr Music. The sound of Sylva is based on the beauty and shapes of […]
Fredrik Öhr :: Under a Different Sun (Substream/Mareld)
If you search for the strange and unique, get yourselves a copy of this album as soon as possible, I beseech you. There’s really nothing […]