A memorable snapshot of an era which many longtime Warp aficionados think of fondly as representing the very pinnacle of the label’s musical prowess, and for anyone wishing to delve further into Warp’s back catalog, a handy list of every WAP (singles and EPs with catalog numbers from 1 to 99) and WARP (albums with catalog numbers from 1 to 55) release up to that time was included inside the compilation’s CD booklet.
Tag: AFX
Aphex Twin :: Blackbox Life Recorder 21f / in a room7 F760 EP (Warp)
Overall impression: I really enjoy these tunes, but it’s clear that whatever rabbit holes Aphex Twin has been down in the last 30 years, he’s still fixated on the sounds and vibes he constructed in the early 90s.
Aphex Twin :: …I Care Because You Do (Warp) —28 years later
The 90s were unrepeatable and …I Care Because You Do proves it. Composed between 1990 and 1994, it is a paradigm of the advanced adolescent.
WE FORFEIT (Mix 30) :: Radio Relativa #15 febrero – ¡El ACid!
Chris gives us a full hour of acid assortments and sour selections that will leave teeth rattling and neighbors twitching curtains.
WE FORFEIT (Mix 30) :: Radio Relativa #14 enero
Influences and inspirations is the focus with vinyl favorites from far and wide brought together to down a glass of Cava and belt out a few choice numbers.
WE FORFEIT (Mix 26) :: Radio Relativa #9 — Interview with Cignol
Cignol has been on the WE FORFEIT radar, as well as many other folks, for quite some time now. The Ireland based artist has been […]
WE FORFEIT (Mix 16) on Radio Relativa – Show #1
For the Radio Relativa show the lads go through their record collections, picking out teenage favourites, pensive tech-poetry and modern day melters. The result? A […]
Missqulater :: They Rave Us (Central Processing Unit)
Missqulater sits in a particular bubblegum bubble. This Rainbow Raver takes two fistfuls of Skittles, downs one and pounds his machines with the other. The […]
Digital::Nimbus Radio #448 Mix
Digital::Nimbus (Electronic Audio Freakquencies)—radio show #448 featured mix. Broadcasting live every Friday night from 10pm-12am (PST, GMT -8) at KUCI 88.9 FM (Irvine, CA. + […]