Yellow6 & Caught in the Wake Forever :: The Slow Manipulation of Dying Light (Hibernate)

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The Slow Manipulation of Dying Light comes in like a lion and out like a lamb.

[Release page] Jon Attwood and Fraser McGowan are Yellow6 and Caught in the Wake Forever, respectively. Both play electric guitar and “effects” while McGowan supplies the field recordings. Yellow6 has a huge discography to his credit while Caught in the Wake Forever has just begun building one, a fine one at that. This is their first collaboration and the second in Hibernate’s eponymous, handsomely packaged series of 3″ CDRs.

The Slow Manipulation of Dying Light comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. As a thunderstorm rumbles, two guitars shiver and entwine, providing one another with country comfort. In the second of the two, nine-minute pieces, the guitars, having weathered the storm, strike more confident chords of domestic bliss as they move around the cabin in which they took refuge. In the background, someone seems to be putting everything back in its proper place and giving it a proper sweeping out with a broom of static, before setting to rest in an old rocking chair.

The Slow Manipulation of Dying Light is available on Hibernate. [Release page]

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