Xurba :: Euphoria Industries Inc. (Electric Studios)

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1852 image 1(August 2009) This latest 2009 release see’s Xurba offer up seventeen flighty tracks of reflective spheres, the quality of such sounds would denote that Will Brazier-Smith, as an instrumentalist, is overdue some good old fashioned recognition. With roots transcending way back to his first encounter with an electric guitar at just six years old, plus a fascination with the 1980’s pioneering synth sounds, there’s plenty to go on.

An abundance of interwoven tones and texture here, which glide their way beyond realms of reality. Plenty of chilling moments all attributed to Wills skillful application – the music weaves some vivid extraterrestrial pictures, crying out
to the surroundings, and wrapping everything in its presence. With an album containing those signature dark undercurrents of spacey movement, there’s a directional nod to some atmospheric and gentle pulses of electronic energy, mostly in the form of vintage sounding synths. Such tones make a remarkable appearance on “Intertwiner,” as well as shining further upon the bright intro to “Survellance Sis-A,” each sparkling layer enhancing a smooth backdrop that reaches far and wide.

There’s a moderate flashback to years gone by – manipulation of intricate and thought provoking samples being a classic example. Will makes the most of his teachings from the era, yet maintains a unique individuality. “Marbleman” ignites without persuasion with beats that are fragmented in a rather catchy way.

On the whole it’s a delicate and plentiful, nicely compiled set of compositions, enhanced by instrumentation with a heavenly personality, enveloped in rich smoothness. It even has its own strangeness and charm.

Euphoria Industries Inc. is out now on Electric Studios. Purchase and/or listen to this release: CD or Digital.

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