Weldroid :: Silicate Garden (tonAtom)

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Silicate Garden paints a kind of tricky, gloomy path. The kind of blue atmospherics that are often left merely hinted at by IDM acts.

Silicate Garden, the latest—and reportedly last—album by Swedish-based and Hungarian-born electronic musician Weldroid should surprise none of his fans as it consists of ten tracks of carefully composed IDM that has become familiar for him.

Indeed, Silicate Garden may begin with a rather gloomy entrance with “Introvert,” but things quickly pick up the pace with the fittingly named “Shangai Madmen,” a fun danceable track that chooses to end not with a bang, but with the electronic equivalent of a whimper. “The Silicate Garden” continues this trend of introspective atmospherics as Weldroid flirts with ambient collages. Album highlight “Fluffy Expedition” only has a keyboard at its core and it shines with the kind of minimalist flair only decent ambient has.

For a farewell album, Silicate Garden is a rather odd mix. It consists of eight original tracks that float between IDM and ambient. The other two songs are remixes Weldroid made, but they do not sound that far off from his original compositions here. Silicate Garden paints a kind of tricky, gloomy path. The kind of blue atmospherics that are often left merely hinted at by IDM acts. Album outro “Extrovert” shows this as the track limps forward towards a decidedly sad end. This is the way Weldroid says goodbye.

Silcate Garden is available on tonAtom.

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