wAgAwAgA :: Acid Highway (Acroplane)

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Frantic, relentless, mentally unstable, I think that about covers the main thrust.

wagawaga_acid-highwayAnd I thought acid was a dead genre! Just goes to show that in the right hands everything is packed full of potential. This LP walks a skittering line flirting around the edges of squelchy acid rave, dub, breakcore, and some other stuff that I could try to break down into constituent parts, but that’s really defeating the point isn’t it? Frantic, relentless, mentally unstable, I think that about covers the main thrust. The retro acid sound is at the heart of it though, as the title would suggest.

wAgAwAgA is not a new kid on the block, having been around the aforementioned a few times now, amassing a string of releases along the way, mainly through Acroplane. All of it is good, from the first time I was aware of him I’ve been a bit of a fan. I suppose he’s always erred towards the acid side of things now that I think about it, with maybe a slight nod towards Squarepusher circa mid ‘90s and some of that stuff that Aphex Twin did around the same time. There is even a hint of junglist Amen break billowing up now and then like sand from the sea bed pluming when a flat fish makes a sudden move.

Acid Highway is, as the release notes state, “A blistering 9 track LP.” Perpetually moving, often at breakneck speed, sometimes with a crooked gait.

Acid Highway is available on Acroplane.

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