V/A :: Fax2.22 (Layer Based Human Activities / From A Tree)

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The sounds of subdued silence mixed with a hefty dose of processed electrical signals, blips, whirs and splashes of noise affirms the contributors’ status of influential art defined through music.

Fax2.22 Electronic Archives

[Release page] There must be something in the Mediterranean waters surrounding Greece as the folks behind Layer Based Human Activities and From A Tree have released yet another piece of visual-audio blurring in the form of Fax2.22. Three sonic sculptors—including Dama, Esoteric Sob and elDot—offer three tracks a piece which take the shape of three formations: Data windstorms from Dama, percussive shadows from Esoteric Sob and sandblasted mechanical electro from elDot. Shifting in this trio of sizzling moods, the musical content ricochets back and forth between classic styled electronics of early 2000’s (ref. Russia’s Art-TeK and recent outings from Lagunamuch Community) to next-generation rhythms that continue to forge new corridors of coherent chaos. The sounds of subdued silence mixed with a hefty dose of processed electrical signals, blips, whirs and splashes of noise affirms the contributors’ status of influential art defined through music.

As Dama’s data windstorms depict the minimal soundscapes of early Clicks’n Cuts aesthetics, there’s a unique buzz of field-recordings and post-ambient noodling to kick-start this compelling compendium. Esoteric Sob progresses via percussive shadows—a push-pull effect of darkened frequencies, expressive beatwork and eerie melodies glide across the sound spectrum. elDot closes up with a three-pack of sandblasted mechanical electro. The contributions flow with a rhythmic glow that continues to gravitate around edgier forms of intelligent dance music.

While the music in and of itself stands as the defining reason to seek out Fax2.22‘s Electronic Archives, there’s much more in terms of hand-made packaging (in limited supply) that will please the eyes. Nine slices of coherently abstract audio electronics in the form of a compact disc, an A3 size poster (300g velvet), a visor containing an A4 folder with 15 documents (180g matte, graphic design and text), two metal pins for closing the visor and to hold the poster and several rendered illustrations are presented in a minimal artistic fashion. There’s even an optional CD mount interface for the audiophiles out there.

Fax2.22 is available on From A Tree with graphical content by Layer Based Human Activities. [Release page]

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