Tim Tetlow :: Beauty Walks On A Razors Edge EP (Planet Mu, 12inch)

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(12.23.00) Although little is known about London-based Tim Tetlow, the tracks on this EP are reported to have been recorded between 1995 and 1997.

Tetlow creates quite an odd mixture of melodic science programme theme tune keyboard lines and varying degrees of crisp thumping beats. Mike Paradinas himself has described Tetlow’s work as Mu-Ziq meets Boards of Canada, which is
probably quite an accurate description. The tracks here are all pretty similar in feel, though vary quite significantly in pace. The insistent beats on “Mind Is Moving” grab your attention entice you to listen, the abstract qualities of
“Written In My Soul” have a similar effect. “Trapped Surfaces” is altogether simpler and gentler sounding, utilising more organic oriental xylophone and wind instrument sounds.

A good EP, but would of benefited from more adventurous and attention-grabbing tracks like “Mind Is Moving” and “Written In My Soul.” Look out for the CD version of this EP (featuring 8 extra tracks) on Planet Mu in March 2001.

  • Planet Mu
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