The Exaltics :: Das Heise Experiment (Abstract Acid)

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I thought that Witschakowski would walk down the dark alleys of Acid with Das Heise Experiment. True, some of the tracks have a pH below 7, but there is a balance between doomsday dancefloor and, dare I say, heartfelt soundscapes.

The TB-303 has become an ever more important weapon in Robert Witschakowski’s arsenal. As The Exaltics this German artist has graced labels like Last Known Trajectory, Crème Organization, Bunker and his co-founded Solar One Music. The Jena man’s latest on Panzerkreuz grimaced with menacing musical intent and after a spread of EPs it’s time for Witschakowski to return with an LP. Britain’s Abstract Acid, sublabel to Abstract Form, introduces Das Heise Experiment.

No fancy track titles on here, simple cold numbers auf deutsch. “Neun” shuts out the light. Icicles of steel are sharpened by black Acid lines. A cold wind rushes through the album, dry sonic shivers are desolated by the ever pervasive 303 shriek. Interestingly there are islands of respite, audio oases amidst the tougher moments. “Elf” is a hopeless wasteland, Witschakowski painting ambience in ash and charcoal. “Dreizehn” is mechanical savagery. Toms and cymbals build the track, tempered tribal energy never bursting into outright cannibalism.“Zehn” is elegant electronics, a track reminiscent of those early Rephlex masters. “Acht” is more in the Djax Up Beats executioner vein. But don’t be fooled into thinking outright nosebleed horror. This is an intelligent beast, a track that selects its prey before pouncing. “Sieben” is one of the most understated tracks on the record. Stripped of ornament, the penultimate piece unfurls ribbons of Acid against a brittle beat pattern. An ambient palette cleanser closes, spooked out space to help with the decompression. The digital fix serves up two bonus tracks. A duet of deep and dark electronics with sci-fi side glances.

I thought that Witschakowski would walk down the dark alleys of Acid with Das Heise Experiment. True, some of the tracks have a pH below 7, but there is a balance between doomsday dancefloor and, dare I say, heartfelt soundscapes. Das Heise Experiment is an album that illustrates the extensive electronic talent of this exemplary artist.

Das Heise Experiment is available on Abstract Forms.

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