Teslasonic :: Hidden Secret Space (MinimalRome, 12inch)

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(01.10.08) The New Year is here once again, and electronic labels are readying themselves for another twelve months of sound creation and dancefloor innovation. Those striped down folk of Italy, MinimalRome, are quick out of the stalls with their new Teslasonic release Hidden Secret Space set to hit the record stores shortly. This collaborative release is following on in the vein of MinimalRome’s impressive backcatalogue, whilst paying homage to the inspired inventor Nikola Tesla.

The 12″ only release opens with it’s title track, “Hidden Secret Space.” The piece is a moody, minimal work of electro. Teslasonic introduce isolating space slides of sound before bringing in dark vocoded lyrics; a track made for shadowy subterranean dancefloors. Synthesizers and crisp snares are the basis of “The Anaesthetist’s Pin.” A deep break allows electronic vocals of an aching nature to slip in, producing a track not as dark as its predecessor but sustaining the stark brooding.

The B-Side opens with a mix of B12 astro electronics and Dopplereffekt clinical electro, “Science Perversion.” The track is scored and torn through by deep squalid synthlines whilst light beats float in the background. As the piece develops the sound turns more towards Dopplereffekt’s Gesamkunstwerk or Urban Tribe’s Authorized Clinical Trials. A nasty drumlator style sound gives “Tesla Discoverer” an immediate energy and concentration. The track has more of a dancefloor feel, with the tempo rising whilst Teslasonic screech a tweaked melody across the work. The 12″ is finished off with the intergalactic psychosis that is “Lunatic Asylum”, an inchoate work of paranoid electro. The track is a work of disturbing vocals and unsettling compositions that produce an electronic uneasiness; a sonorous nightmare of the mind.

Hidden Secret Space moves from a number of points, from a dark minimalism with a slice of space to deep cerebral electronix. The EP was released as a tribute to an inventor who innovated in the realms of electricity and magnetism, an accolade based in image and sound. The abstract nature of Nikola Tesla’s investigations, the world of the unseen and logic, are being replicated and appreciated by Teslasonic through vintage analogue boxes and cold sounds. [Purchase]

  • MinimalRome
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