A swirling smorgasbord of blissful blips and bleeps, tiny mechanical gears rotate and crunch their way through, often leaving the listener to submerge themselves in these mysterious aural fluctuations.

Mechanical gears rotate and crunch their way through
Factory robots rejoice! Steve Hadfield explorers an infinitesimal amount of detail on Industrial Chillout Complex. From strangely tuned ambient noise shards to full-out early AFX styled screeching and blistered braindance beats, this album spreads across a variety of experimental electronic genres.
Having fun with strangely dark yet chilled soundscapes, melodies, rhythms and broken funk, each piece is its own sonic foray. A swirling smorgasbord of blissful blips and bleeps, tiny mechanical gears rotate and crunch their way through, often leaving the listener to submerge themselves in these mysterious aural fluctuations.
The industrial elements find their way, weaving carefully through tracks like “Clunk,” “On The Horizon” and the opening “Grey Sands.” Chilled strands can be found on tracks like “Elevator Music,” “Circuit Bored,” “Abandoned Submarine” and “Espresso Machine In Memoriam.” The album continues to unfold with each listen. “Lullaby For Tired Machines,” yet another aptly titled track, meanders through dense atmospheric drones as it eventually implodes with an influx of technoid sandblasting. The closing “Power Outage” takes us to uncharted energy fields that dither and fade away, allowing Industrial Chillout Complex to close its doors until the next intermission.
Industrial Chillout Complex is available on Werra Foxma. [Bandcamp]