V/A :: Spirals and Synapses (Analogic Density)

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This latest compilation has followed the same line as past installments, harsh and hardy sounds made in the 90’s tradition. This is music for sweat streaked floors and smoke filled rooms, in other words techno with a capital “T.”

Italy has become my stop for no-nonsense, straight up, techno bangers. Labels like Love Blast, which does tend to stray into more abstract territory from time to time, and Lucianno Lamana have been serving up some out and out belters. Lowfreq77, Marco Moreno Graziano, and his Analogic Density imprint has been following a similar path, doling out steaming hot serving of face melters.

Spirals and Synapses
has just landed on Analogic Density and Graziano is in no mood for messing. Under his Lowfreq77 alias the boss carves out the acid grimace of “Stato Alternato” into the compilation, a 303 scorched stomper. Stefan Rocchi is singing from the same hymn sheet, or screaming with the same machines as he roars out the hoarse and hellish “Big Crisis.” Nevertheless, this six tracker isn’t all about ferocity and fire. Old favourite Labarome T.M.I sheaths the aggression, allowing a slow simmer reach a rolling boil with the caustic chords of “Cats Love Acid.” Newcomer Stefano Abacom approaches the 12” in similar fashion, letting the bitter bars do the work while a skeletal snare keeps time. SOUR ups the ante with his sinister “Alkaline Reaction” but a stand out piece has to be “Passing the Dark Planets” by The POLYGIRL. Dark chords are further inked by scouring acid lines in this late night raver.

This latest compilation has followed the same line as past installments, harsh and hardy sounds made in the 90’s tradition. This is music for sweat streaked floors and smoke filled rooms, in other words techno with a capital “T.”

Spirals and Synapses is available on Analogic Density. [Bandcamp | Soundcloud]

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