Siimplex :: Fragments (Sunwarped / Schematic)

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Siimplex delivers a highly contagious and exploratory modular collection that veers into and out of the subconscious with determination. A welcomed foray into the bewildering sounds of semi-controlled synthesized bliss.

Arizona’s Jeffrey Harrel (aka Siimplex) releases his debut on Terminal 11’s newly launched Sunwarped imprint—a split release with the mighty Schematic Music Company. Sunwarped’s mission is clear: to create a platform for experimental, noise, and modular music coming out of The Grand Canyon state.

Fragments as a result is an aptly titled album. Eleven tracks spanning through rugged, distorted, and meandering IDM. Its glitch tentacles spread as far as can be, tracks like “Collapse,” “Burn Slow,” and “bnee m” bring to mind early abstract electronics from artists like Autechre, Phonem, and Phoenecia. Elsewhere you’ll find splattered beats and robust rhythm stabs on “2lfe” and “In afkeer” But it’s Siimplex’s subtle musical nuances and breaking down of random sounds to form a cohesive whole that is magnetic. For example, “Falling Into Ether” takes smudged glitch and disjointed downtempo electrical bits into a slow-motion, mind-expanding escape.

In all, Siimplex delivers a highly contagious and exploratory modular collection that veers into and out of the subconscious with determination. A welcomed foray into the bewildering sounds of semi-controlled synthesized bliss.

Fragments is available on Sunwarped / Schematic.

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