Sea of Suns :: Sea of Suns EP (Courier)

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The October 2023 release of Sea of Suns’ eponymous EP on Courier features a largely indie electronic atmosphere.

The October 2023 release of Sea of Suns’ eponymous EP on Courier features a largely indie electronic atmosphere. While “Jackie Dreaming” unveils a sun-soaked shimmer of crystalized melodies reminiscent of Plod or Plone—fuzzy vocal samples navigate between chilled drums. “Happy Days” opens with synth pop and swirling nostalgia floating around downtempo strains. While the brilliance of these rhythms and kaleidoscope tunes inhabit a surreal place, comparisons to BoC shouldn’t be disregarded either. Closing track “Sunday Gone” dissolves with delicate synth strands, an interlude to perhaps more to come in 2024, while “Exotica” treads alongside Syntaks’ signature warm and fuzzy groove and degraded clip-hop beats that draw us into the mist. Simply transportive.

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