Foot Signal is as wonky as South Beach culture—a cross between pastel-coloured, ear-pleasing tunefulness and ludicrous displays of wealth. Of ideas, especially about beats.

[Release page] Roberto Carlos Lange is soundsculptor whose online archive is filled with dazzling video collaborations. Matt Crum is an old friend whose discography is speckled with indie rock, lo fi pop and plenty of band and sideman work. Both were raised in hot, humid South Florida and its special Cuban-American, rich-poor atmosphere and both have contributed to Asthmatic Kitty’s impressive Library Catalog Music series, the former with an entire album.
As ROM, the duo’s first album was released in Japan and its sophomore effort, Foot Signal comes to us from Germany. Sessions recorded in Atlanta, Miami, Savannah, Brooklyn and Chicago. It has a slightly ramshackle, transient feel to it—apparently the two used reputedly “broken” instruments and a lot of reel-to-reel tape. Hitting the recording button whenever inspiration hit them, some tracks are smooth and sweet, while others feel like sketches that should have been filed for future development.
Foot Signal is as wonky as South Beach culture—a cross between pastel-coloured, ear-pleasing tunefulness and ludicrous displays of wealth. Of ideas, especially about beats. “Fish Makin Food” captures them at their best, with the vibraphone, electric guitar and cheapy electronics combining for an uneasy take on easy listening. “Kids” is as fun as a day at the beach with a plastic bucket and shovel. Mismanaged funk and elephant-footed circus music rub elbows with breezy, ten-cent dance pop.
Oddly, despite their background and the attention drawn to it in their bios, it is only when the eighth track, “Orca” finally gets organized, that any hint of Latin rhythm is recognizable. Perhaps you have to listen to Lange’s pretty delightful Helado Negro solo project for more of that.
Foot Signal is available on Pingipung. [Release page]