Pinklogik :: Random Access Memory (Section 27)

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While not entirely focused on complex electronic sparks, Pinklogik rests somewhere in between ambient fizzle versus experimental drizzle and adheres to a calming foray of melodic attractions.

Pinklogik 'Random Access Memory'
Pinklogik ‘Random Access Memory’

[Release page] Pinklogik (aka Julie Straw) presents fourteen lighthearted electronic crystals that embark on past iterations of intelligent dance music and brittle melodies. If Toytronic rings a bell (ie. Abfahrt Hinwil and/or Gimmik), then you might be more inclined to dabble with Random Access Memory as it temporarily stores dynamic data bits into the bloodstream of its audience. Melancholic micro-tones and brisk audio bytes creates a window of pleasant background listening. “Esse” contains brittle electrical bubbles and acidic bass bumps as “The Unseen” takes on a more clip-hop sphere of sound—its Plod-like infrastructure and ambient layers are quite sublime. There are even a few sprinkles of vocodered voices featured on “Bide Your Time” with crisp and quaint mood shifts. Another highlight takes shape in the form of “Pinkblueorangegeometric,” where an old-school Aphex Twin aura is on full display. While not entirely focused on complex electronic sparks, Pinklogik rests somewhere in between ambient fizzle  versus experimental drizzle and adheres to a calming foray of melodic attractions.

Random Access Memory is available on Section 27. [Release page | Bandcamp]

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