V/A :: Physic Or Surgery (Highpoint Lowlife)

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Gems continue to penetrate the ears with repeated listens; punctuated beats, distressed rhythms, microscopic funk, underwater meanderings, dub-infused waveforms, calibrated noise and pleasant distractions are cause for further investigation.

V/A 'Physic Or Surgery'

Highlight Lowlife has pulled all the stops with their closing compilation after 10 years of musical entanglement and visual stimulus. Moving forward, label operator Thorsten Sideboard will continue his creative output via his passion for comic art and this compilation includes a PDF of his latest story.

Physic or Surgery is choke full of high points and low flying beats. Its demeanor propels through just about every genre of electronics, keeping a firm hold on quality. Gems continue to penetrate the ears with repeated listens; punctuated beats, distressed rhythms, microscopic funk, underwater meanderings, dub-infused waveforms, calibrated noise and pleasant distractions are cause for further investigation. 10-years of music and working with an assortment of musicians is summed in this collation of audio tricks. Slicing a cross-sectional view of the scene, Highpoint Lowlife delivers a fine-tuned audio avalanche that can’t be ignored, and it’s free.

Spare a few minutes to download Physic Or Surgery and you’ll be rewarded with twenty-eight blasts of electronics (and various instrumentals) as a salute to Highpoint Lowlife’s legacy.

Physic Or Surgery is out now and is available as a free digital download on Highlight Lowlife.

Physic Or Surgery Mixtape by sideb0ard

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