Nacht Plank :: Lost And Damaged (Hydrogen Dukebox, CD)

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417 image 1As part of the third and final installment of the reinterpretation series of mixes for Lee Norris’ Nacht Plank alias, Lost And Damaged is a collection of textured sounds and billowing effects. Released in early April (2003), this fine-tuned disc includes remixes by several of Lee’s friends including Xela, Needle, Greg Davies, Verbose, Purusha, Quench, Ooi, Sleepy Town Manufacture, Ilkae, Andreas Tilliander, Franz De Waard, LGB, Mati:K, and Aeiou.

While most of these remixes are the representation of each artists talent, they also define a sincere realism packed with watery rhythms and disconnected thoughts. From the eerie tingling tweaks of Verbose’s “Troarn” to the rustic melodies of Quench’s rendition of the same track, there are subtle differences spanning the entire disc. Fans of Mille Plateaux’s Clicks + Cuts series may be intrigued by Andreas Tilliander’s “Nonant” mix that displays a slight dub feel next to a hypnotic thump from start to finish. But perhaps the true highlight of Lost And Damaged is revealed on Purusha’s “Nonant” mix where aquatic melodies are brushed against a breathing entity of vocal extracts and loose debris. What is the truth behind these encapsulated grains of ambiance?

Imagine the delicate feeling of waves splashing across your feet on an early morning contrasted with the haunting chill of walking through dark, unfamiliar corridors on a cold winter’s night. Two distinct feelings that range from tranquil frequencies to the mesmeric depths of a scared soul. Lost And Damaged reveals to the listener that sound is more than a mere fragment heard through the ears, but rather a distinct vibe that can only be felt through the textures and emotions apparent in everyone’s thought processes. (File under “lost and damaged” minimalism).

Lost And Damaged is OUT NOW on Hydrogen Dukebox.

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