Murcof x Wagner :: EP.01 (Infiné)

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The different visions that the two artists had are well balanced, contributing to generate a unique and special blend of both electronic and acoustic textures, shifting from ambient electronics to contemporary classical.

Murcof x Wagner :: EP.01 (Infiné)

There is an intriguing and brilliant idea behind the concept on which this lovely EP is based and built upon. Issued by the ever over the standards quality Infiné imprint: splitting the two sides of a single 12″ between two artists, Murcof and Wagner, who have the task to reinterpreting the same pieces of music by both an established and canonical composer (Erik Satie) and a rising star/young talent (David Moore). In addition to please our ears, inspire our minds,and warm the heart and the soul, the release works also as a teaser of their respective forthcoming full album on Infiné, and after this little taste, we really can’t wait to enjoy the main course. Speaking about the music, each artist presents their own version of “Gnossienne 3″(Erik Satie) and “What Arms Are these for You” (David Moore) on each side of the record, and the different approaches emerge as an introduction to their respective personalities and to their sonic worlds.

Overall, the different visions that the two artists had are well balanced, contributing to generate a unique and special blend of both electronic and acoustic textures, shifting from ambient electronics to contemporary classical. Murcof kicks off the first side, challenging himself to give a new life to the Erik Satie’s piece of music, with his trademark steady into more abstract structures, cold, harsh and sometimes austere, obtaining as result a very evocative and atmospheric example of modern electronica, while Wagner’s piano, by contrast, paints a warmer, very emotional and melancholic tapestry. On the other side, the one dedicated to “What Arms Are These For You” by David Moore, things follow with the same formula, except that the Mexican sound artist enriches the piece in a more orchestral way, with synth arps giving a feeling of crescendo, to introduce in the second half even a minimal beat that comes in unexpected, while Vanessa Wagner remains more intimate in her reinterpretation, that is centered around overly sweet, almost heart breaking and catchy melodies.

The two different sonic worlds and the feelings they generate, alternate pleasantly, offsetting themselves in a very intriguing and natural way. An encouraging experiment that let the listener in an anxious await for their full length forthcoming works.

EP.01 is available on Infiné.

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