Mauser :: Jack Orchestra (Generator, 12inch)

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(03.24.08) Generator Records came to life way back in 1992. Since its inception the Detroit based label has gained critical acclaim through a myriad of dancefloor friendly releases. Generator has hosted artists such as Dave Clarke and Marco Passarani and now the Detroit imprint is presenting the debut record by Mauser, Jack Orchestra.

The record opens with the title piece, “Jack Orchestra.” The track is a work of new age house sound, with powerful bass lines that drive the track whilst acidified tweaks and crisp beats brood in the backdrop. The track is full on energy and friendly breaks making it a real dancefloor piece. “Controll” pushes further than its forerunner with some seriously deep bass action. Some of the 808’esque lines have an echoed quality, giving a textured effect to this full on piece.

The B Side bursts to life with a squirm of acid as “Skitzophrenic” comes into existence. Big 303 lines dominate the track throughout with the beats and bass dying out from time to time under a torrent of tweakage. The breaks make the track a DJ friendly number and a definite crowd pleaser. “Walking the Dragon” finishes off the 12″ with deep deep basslines that ride through the piece before morphing into some squalid acid chords. It’s a track that might blow your amplifier, definitely your speakers.

Jack Orchestra is not a record of easy bedroom listening, or a work for lazy car rides. These Mauser tracks are full bodied pieces of techno with a warped acid twist, tracks made for the dancefloor and tracks that promise to turn a club upside down.

Jack Orchestra is out now on Generator.

  • Generator
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