Marc Barreca :: Tremble (Palace of Lights)

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Tremble comes at you like a cloud of bacteria, nigh impossible to distinguish specific elements. Its only purpose is to move, spread, collide, and thrive. So the only thing to do is gaze deep into its midst without searching for a centre.

Marc Barreca has mustered all manner of instruments and “sources,” both acoustic and electronic, in a disorienting sound mosaic of impressive depth. Very uneasy listening painstakingly wrought. Its fifty-minute playing time may be too much for the head in one sitting – although accomplished, its grey and brown field of sound is also beleaguering and can chafe and discombobulate. Better to take it one hazy mirage at a time. Shimmering “Periodicity” is the perfect place to start, right in the middle.

Tremble is available on Palace of Lights. [Release page]

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