The tracks might be more stripped-down than one might expect from a full-blown studio project, but what Return to Cascada lacks in intricate sound design or expansive vistas, it more than makes up for it in raw energy and impeccably efficient arrangements.

Raw energy and impeccably efficient arrangements
Konx-Om-Pax has been touring, and it shows. His latest EP, a short burst of relatively minimalist tracks, was released two weeks ago – and it bears the mark of a musician who’s been on the road. The tracks might be more stripped-down than one might expect from a full-blown studio project, but what Return to Cascada lacks in intricate sound design or expansive vistas, it more than makes up for it in raw energy and impeccably efficient arrangements.
A couple of tracks on Return to Cascadareally carry this raw energy—the live version of “Caramel,” a retreading of the fun, melodic ditty from the eponymous record, set to a driving kick, and the main event on the EP—Skee Mask’s remix of “Rez.” A lean and contemporary production featuring playful rhythms and a a bag of tricks that keep the listener engaged and guessing.
The rest of the EP is par for the course—”Return to Cascada” features another prominent kick underpinning the glistening synth line that is so characteristic of KOP’s output, balanced against the vocoded melody which lends a darker, more ethereal tone to the track. In a more ambient vein, the closing number, “Teufeulsberg,” does away with percussion and just gives us gorgeous synthesizer sounds, with still these bubbly notes dotting the landscape.
The EP is plain solid and is a heartwarming reminder that Tom Scholefield is going nowhere. Here’s to the future of KOP in this new decade.
Return To Cascada is available on Planet Mu.