Joel Tammik :: Eluline (U-Cover, CD)

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1444 image 1(01.10.07) Hailing for Tallinn in Estonia, Joel Tammik’s debut release in 2004, Eemal, on the Estonia label Ulmeplaadid was well received. He then joined the respected Belgian label U-Cover and no less than 4 albums followed in the space of just 12 months; 3 on U-Cover CDR Limited and this, his fourth album, on U-Cover itself. Packaged in glorious orange-tinted artwork depicting the waves gently caressing a beach, it hints at the serene ambient dub soundscapes that might lie within.

As the artwork subtly indicates, there is a certain aquatic feeling to this album, from the sub-bass, minuscule clicks and ever-present low static buzz to the spacious expansive sounds unfolding from within. Tammik’s deep dub soundscapes are often likened to the artists such as Vladislav Delay, Gas or Oval and the output of the Mille Plateaux label.
Eluline is completely unrushed and super-laidback, letting each track evolve and gently unfold to completion. This is the ultimate cool in ambient dub, distinctly electronic but warm, serene, gentle and comforting. Every so often there is a short passage of more urgent activity but even that is nothing more than a temporary increase in heart-rate. Trying to single out specific tracks and describe them is a fruitless task as Eluline really works best as a whole, as a journey through warm clear tropical waters with all the natural movement of the tide and the strange little sounds it brings from its depths. Similarly, there is nothing sinister or dark about this album, it so serene and submersive it is the kind of album it is easy to place on repeat and listen to in a trance-like state for hours. Tammik’s music is almost sure to lift your spirit and bring a calming influence into your life with its floating bass tones and odd little digital effects.

Already proving to be prolific, Tammik is becoming increasing recognised for his talents. Luckily, U-Cover recognised this early on and brought him on-board to release a whole slew of albums with more no doubt in the pipeline in the not too distant future. Eluline is wonderfully tranquil and well worth spending some time checking it out. Highly recommended.

Eluline is out now on U-Cover.

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