Inkipak :: Anomaly (Ping-Discs)

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Brisk and unblemished electronica that takes a page—perhaps even a whole chapter—from mid to late 90s melodic groove sculptors like Bola, B12, Plaid, Plastikman and Lowfish to new(er) school electronics from the likes of Karsten Pflum and Velum Break.

Transporting the listener through acid tropes, broken beats, breaks, and rolling bass

Sometimes I wish there was an easier way to digest all of the fantastic music pouring through the Igloo doors, and yet I’ve come to terms with a few gems that may slip through the cracks unfortunately. As is the case with Anomaly (released December 2020), a fantastic debut where we wholeheartedly agree that music like this is definitely needed during these times. Brisk and unblemished electronica that takes a page—perhaps even a whole chapter—from mid to late 90s melodic groove sculptors like Bola, B12, Plaid, Plastikman and Lowfish to new(er) school electronics from the likes of Karsten Pflum and Velum Break. Anomaly‘s proceeds go to MacMillan Cancer Support via Touched Music, only making the overall appeal that much more meaningful.

Likely intended for the dance floor (home/headphone listening is not out of the question), Jon Mace (aka Inkipak) delves into action-packed audio particulates—transporting the listener through acid tropes, broken beats, breaks, and rolling bass with an emotive charm that can’t be ignored. That nostalgic flare for molten melodic lava flows and rhythmic data bursts are tangibly downtempo and yet upbeat and explosive at the same time. Such a powerful album that one simply cannot pin just one, two or three tracks as highlights—the whole album is jam-packed and mind boggling. Certainly an anomaly, Inkipak has shifted high on our radar. And now for his sophomore self-titled release on Mighty Force! We’re sort of catching up, almost…

Anomaly is available on Ping Discs. [Bandcamp]

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