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These sensual oozing’s are both cleansing and rejuvenating with swelling tensions that are massaged by rolling filtration.

An intoxicating rhapsody of notes

A Valentines Day special compilation was released on Berlin based INDEX:Records this week. INDEXOXOXL hosts 16-tracks that go through ambient to downtempo electronica following up with drum & bass breaks, featuring the likes of ben bondy, vase and King Softy. As self-described, INDEX0X0XL is the second release of our pan-sensory bouquet, distilled to provoke and whet our deepest of lusts. An atomized, sway-inducing solution to seduce and ensnare the most sated souls, thru an intoxicating rhapsody of notes—a Venus in slurs.’

These sensual oozing’s are both cleansing and rejuvenating with swelling tensions that are massaged by rolling filtration. Like always, when I chose to review a compilation, it is because I find it is packed with talent leaving me spoiled for choice if I had to pick a favorite. On first run through the artists I perked to though were Gi Gi, CYBERMISSION & Mathis Ruffing.

At Name Your Price on this stunning digital, you’d be hard come by not to check it out.

To add an extra pinch of flavor to this Valentines release, away from your usual physical expectations there is an INDEXOXOXL dildo available in 3-colours.

INDEXOXOXL is available on INDEX:Records. [Bandcamp]

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