Imminent / Synapscape :: Revenge of the Incredible Three (Ant-Zen, 7inch)

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1225 image 1(01.16.06) Oliver Moreau’s project Imminent Starvation transformed into just Imminent during 2000. Since then he has released one album – Sleepwalking – and this series of 7″ singles under his new moniker, all collaborations with Synapscape. Synapscape (Tim Kneip and Philipp Münch) are more consistent, but not prolific, with their output, their last album Act! being released in 2005 on Ant-Zen. Both are respected rhythmic noise artists from the Ant-Zen roster, Moreau falling more on the calmer atmospheric textural side of things and Kniep and Münch the aggressive no compromise side. Revenge of the Incredible Three is the second 7″ single in a series of three; the first being The Incredible Three and the last being The Return of the Incredible Three.

The fittingly titled “The Arm of Vengeance,” whilst maintaining the Wild West theme opens with radar zaps and an ominous approaching rumble. Before long, barrages of conflicting distorted beats are battling to be heard over obscured and unintelligible vocals courtesy of Synapscape. “The Arm of Vengeance” is the sort of track you might expect from two of Ant-Zen’s most respected artists; noisy, manic beats and distortion. A meeting of minds resulting in dark, powerful structured chaos. “Ambush at Gun Creek” is an interesting prospect and at least partially unexpected. A hybrid of plodding distorted mechanical beats and electric guitar twangs. As you might expect from the theme running throughout this trilogy, the guitar has a distinct western tinge but the track is not devoid of the classic noise imprint both bands are known for.

Revenge of the Incredible Three is out now on Ant-Zen.

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