Hypnoskull :: (G.O.D) – Once Again (Spectre, CD)

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(01.16.06) Hypnoskull is back once again, and he reclaims this fact with fervor before you get the music. “Enter The Battleground” is the first track and sounds like an egotistic manifesto, quite useless in my opinion; Hynposkull should face the fact he’s not Jacko, and he’s not against a world that hates him. Probably the only people who are upset are my neighbors when I play this G.O.D. loud. And this is because the music is again very good, as Dark Skies Over Planet E already proved.

The start is even more break based, “You Scum!” is especially very good, with a steppy beats and crunchy percussions covered by buzzing noise; “Don’t Die In Vain” and “Something’s Not Right” sound more industrial and very metallic. A little surprise comes from “The Betrayal,” a straight four-to-the-floor beast with spooky bleeps in the background that form a catching hook, very well conceived. The title track is instead a brutal assault running at hundreds of beats per minute, introducing another techno-industrial hybrid with pounding drums called “Incredibly Aggressive” and a speeded up, overweighed techstep track named “The Invasion.” “Killed By A Machine,” “The Last Decision” and “Just Watch The G.O.D. Once Again” could have fit on Deathchant, the former is a fast tune with gabba distorted bass kicks and rattling drumloops, the second has a nice double tempo, with raw industrial noises that run over a simple half-paced break and shadows of acid, and finally the latter jumps from scratchy hardcore hip-hop to hyper-kinetic jungle supported by gabberoid rhythms. “The Revenger (Epileptic Stain D&B Mix)” speaks for itself, it’s a two-step affair with tons of cinematic battle samples; actually the whole record is overwhelmed by voices taken from movies or videogames, and it could be used as an excellent soundtrack. Unfortunately the fun is interrupted by a last farewell in the same fashion of the intro. Skipping the first and the last track will leave an enjoyable album from start to finish, a must if you are a fan of the previous work on Ant-Zen.

(G.O.D) – Once Again is out now on Spectre.

  • Spectre
  • Hypnoskull
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