Fabio Orsi :: Glowing Echoes (Analogpath)

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Cradling an electric guitar run through filters and effects, its two parts, approximately twenty-four and seventeen minutes long, respectively, are simple, smooth and enchanting.

Glowing Echoes is a direct spiritual descendant of Brian Eno’s Discreet Music. Both are silver and gold rainbows in curved air, though whereas Eno assumed the role of planner and programmer, configured apparatus hooked up to a long delay echo system, “provided an input” and then essentially “became an audience to the results,” Orsi—himself no mean ideas man, as his vast discography testifies—is very hands-on. Cradling an electric guitar run through filters and effects, its two parts, approximately twenty-four and seventeen minutes long, respectively, are simple, smooth and enchanting. The greatest family resemblance is in the graceful, otherworldly sound, the sixty-seven moons of Jupiter rising and setting through the night.

Glowing Echoes is available on Analogpath. [Release page]

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