ESA :: Themes Of Carnal Empowerment Pt. 1: Lust (Tympanik Audio)

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It doesn’t disappoint either, and as you may come to expect, it’s immensely energetic, awash with static rough-edged stabs of soundtrack—a laser gun surely capable of slicing its way effortlessly through breezeblock.

ESA 'Themes of Carnal Empowerment'

[Release pageESA is one of Tympanik Audio’s most iconic artists, and for 2012, they release part one of an exciting dual-part conceptual offering that is Themes of Carnal Empowerment. Heavily industrial there’s plenty of rhythmic passions to share.

It doesn’t disappoint either, and as you may come to expect, it’s immensely energetic, awash with static rough-edged stabs of soundtrack—a laser gun surely capable of slicing its way effortlessly through breezeblock.

There’s a spiky template that exists throughout making Themes of Carnal Empowerment an ongoing adventure through an industrial strength haze of pure buzz-core activity, embellished with the occasional quiet moment, but more often than not heavily lacquered with passing experimentation of crime thriller sound clouds. We are rarely left lacking in darkened ammunition, making it easy to spray a splattering of hard-core electronic graffiti.

Planetary response is from another world structured around the engaged and sometimes terrifying—a hard-edged beat that never slows up. “Black Trip” utilises the futurist voice over, demonstrating a work that is effortlessly blended. “Wretch” issues its own siren warning—continuing with over enthusiastic caution.

There’s no steadying of pace, no slow moments, no downturn or backward drive—just a full on host of science fictional workout that has its own unique futuristic grasp of matinee. “Loss (Prurient Symphony)” is a take on self-indulgent monologue that is both scary and eerie with a voiceover that suggests a calm before desperate action kicks in – a feature in itself.

It’s strong, deliciously dark, with a mechanical delivery of earth shattering, structure-destroying power.

Themes of Carnal Empowerment is available on Tympanik Audio. [Release page]

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