Donna Summer :: Fluxus, Inc (Tonschacht, 7")

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There is a standing dilemma endured by Jason Forrest’s family and friends. How much success can one really wish for him, knowing that every additional performance, release, and newly acquired fan brings him that much closer to receiving a letter from the attorney of an angry and aging disco diva (although her botox-ed demure may unintentionally infer indifference)? Every hit on his website nibbles away at the sole proprietorship she has of her own name as is currently the 3rd ranked page in the results of a Donna Summer Google search. However, if she wants it all to herself, it looks like there will have to be a royal rumble down the road as Jason shows no signs of slowing down. He has traversed two oceans for a number of tours abroad while continuing to host his increasingly successful radio show on WFMU. Along the way, Jason has also served us with a delectable assortment of treats for all tastes.

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This two-track, 7″ brought to us by Tonschacht is like a small dish of calamata olives. It isn’t going to fill you up, but it tastes very good and will have you licking your fingers after a few minutes. Let the hipsters keep their trucker caps and electroclash, Fluxus, Inc. is a flexing of the Donna Summer school of discocrash. Bass jabs and horn stabs syncopate against the blisters of boiling breaks as a dancefloor doubledare for the moshers, idm headnodders, and innocent bystanders alike. To newcomers this track might take a few listens to fully digest, while those who have seen Mr. Summer perform live know this song would easily fit anywhere in his energizing and entertaining sets. It isn’t quite the same without witnessing the full production of polyester suits and victory laps taken through the audience, but it is appetizing enough to have you dropping the needle back a few times before auditioning the flip side.

“Awkward Song About Love” caresses the palette nicely by balancing the salt of Side A with a little sugar on Side B. Jason continues with his brand of unapologetic sample exploitation, though this time around he gets some acoustic assistance from guitarist David Grubbs. Seemingly modeled after an epic 70’s rock ballad, it reminds me of a summer beach party thrown by macho men with mullets and the women who love them. The tunes are pouring out of an Iroc-Z parked nearby and there is plenty of Coors Light on hand… OK- maybe not all of you grew up in Iowa, but I did.

The two flavors on this single make for a good snack that only 500 people will be able to own as the fifteenth installment of Tonschacht’s 7″ series. Excusing my obvious need to eat soon, I highly recommend picking up this limited edition vinyl. It is a good introduction for those unfamiliar with his music, but it’s equally satisfying to the faithful followers as well. Clocking in at a mere combined total of 10m49s, after a few bites, this record will have you hungry for more.

  • Tonschacht
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