D-Fried :: The Spirit of the Young Poets (See Blue Audio)

The scene is full of muted blips and bleeps hidden beneath a multitude of waves that gently rise and fall, occasionally dipping into distant echoes of light and evolving drone tones.

An extended segment of sound isolation

D-Fried is Jordi Saludes and for See Blue Audio he takes a slight shift in soundscape and scope for The Spirit of the Young Poets. This 22-minute opus veers off the edge of introspective atmospheres and ambient electronica. The scene is full of muted blips and bleeps hidden beneath a multitude of waves that gently rise and fall, occasionally dipping into distant echoes of light and evolving drone tones. While “The Spirit of the Young Poets” nearly disappears like a faraway memory we’re urgently attempting to rekindle, distant sounds pull us into D-Fried’s audio work. The result is an extended segment of sound isolation with a soothing reassurance that maybe things aren’t as bad as they seem.

The Sprit of the Young Poets is available on See Blue Audio. [Bandcamp]
