Bluetech :: Elementary Particles + Prima Materia (Aleph Zero, 2CD)

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(08.17.05) Bluetech’s 2CD set for Aleph-Zero is trance meditation music for the
globally wired. Armed with a rack of virtual synths and a ear for
world rhythms, Evan Bluetech has put together an expansive ride around
the globe on a very chilled jet stream. Mixing Oriental flutes with
Middle Eastern hand drums, Jamaican dub with Polynesian ritual
rhythms, and high desert trance with European choral flourishes,
Bluetech is a new world alchemist working on a complex synthesis of
world music into a singular vision of global universality.

Or you could call “World Beat Trance Lite” but that would dismiss the
very solid possibility that Bluetech is engaging in the act of making
something complex seem deceptively simple. The eighteen tracks spread
across the two discs ebb and flow like ocean waves; you ride them
with little effort, so little that you can disappear into them without
much trouble at all, and you touch so many shores on this journey that
it all becomes a blur of sound and motion in the end. That may be
what chill music is all about anyway: blurring the hard edges.
Bluetech blurs with distinction on Elementary Particles + Prima
, making a pair of records that combine the world into a
whirling ambience that is filled with the blissful motion of the sky
and sea. Elementary Particles + Prima Materia will leave you
nicely boneless.

Elementary Particles + Prima Materia is out now on Aleph Zero.

  • Aleph Zero
  • Bluetech
  • Sines and Singularities (Review: January, 2006)
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