Blue Sky Alive :: Piercing the Beautiful Blue Halo (Self Released)

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An eight track sonic manifest on 12/21/21—carefully traversing blissful breaks and polyrhythmic shifts.

Traversing blissful breaks and polyrhythmic shifts

Blue Sky Alive presented Piercing the Beautiful Blue Halo, an eight track sonic manifest on 12/21/21—carefully traversing blissful breaks and polyrhythmic shifts as evidenced on opener “Way Out There.” Elsewhere, Blue Sky Alive (aka Pittsburgh, PA’s Christian Roylo) inhabits surreal synth moments and fragrant speed bumps (ref. “Cracking the Sky”)—reminiscent of Sky Tree’s fluid, emotive, and nostalgic frequency bursts of light. While the album carefully delivers melodies from the outer edges, tracks like “Double Down” have a funkier, experimental groove with a few vocal treatments that are nowhere near overbearing. Closing with the slow motion robotics of “Long Distance Return,” Blue Sky Alive unearths an air of ambience—just enough brittleness to eventually break apart into boggling beats, bass and rhythmic punchiness.

Piercing the Beautiful Blue Halo is available on Bandcamp.

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