Blakbody vs C. Mantle :: In The Mouth Of The Syndrome (Acre)

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Taken as a whole, it’ll take a few listens to extrapolate the layers of debris on this extended player as both artists blur the edges of glitch and abstraction.

Blakbody vs C. Mantle ‘In The Mouth Of The Syndrome’

[Release page] Blakbody and C. Mantle offer up remixes of each other in the form of In The Mouth Of The Syndrome—its twisting tentacles of electronics flooded in tumultuous low-end audio scribbling. There’s a definitive slurring of bass and beat that could be described as a wash of mulching, rummaging and undulating waves of experimentation. “Syndrome” kicks-off the collection as it forages through tethered fluctuations and furthers the “Gantz Graf” influence of Autechre with what sounds like new tools being manipulated in a more subdued manner. As you continue to envelope the maze of swirling coherency—evidenced on Blakbody’s remix of C. Mantle’s “In The Mouth Of The Whale”—it’s clear that these two programmers of sonic mayhem are carrying with them a foundation of buried electro hip-hop roots that briefly make an appearance. The electrified clips featured on the closing remix of “In The Mouth Of The Whale (C. Mantle)” is a prime example. Taken as a whole, it’ll take a few listens to extrapolate the layers of debris on this extended player as both artists blur the edges of glitch and abstraction. Acre take careful steps to procure yet another batch of auditory stimulus that slithers around fields of rhythmic shape shifting.

In The Mouth Of The Syndrome is available on Acre. [Release page]

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