Aural Planet :: 5 Ex Engine (Vivo, CD)

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All the way from Poland we see this incredible debut release on Vivo Records. It comes as a surprise (to be honest), that we’ve not heard much from Aural Planet, a collective comprised of three individuals including Jacek “Falcon” Dojwa, Konrad “KeyG” Gmurek, and Adam “Scorpik” Skorupa that began recording as Aural Planet in 1997. Since 1999 the Aural Planet team has grown to four people with the inclusion of Radoslaw “Raiden” Kochman.
Following the slogan, “..Sweet decibels in the land of some fucking noise…”, these unique individuals manage to cultivate some of the best forms of experimental electronic music with a focus on dark and punchy basslines, totally abstract DSP crunching, and full-on percussive elements much in line with early Meat Beat Manifesto, Front 242, Panacea, and even Somatic Responses. What does it all mean to you, though?

Well.. as Aural Planet orchestrates their advanced audio systems in the development of 5 Ex Engine, we see this talented group producing the finest in upbeat, bass-heavy electro with industrial frequencies subtly punching away in the backdrop. It’s not that often that a (relatively) new album includes more than 3-4 cuts of perfectly executed tracks and with 5 Ex Engine it’s easy to say that it rates high on the “shattering electro vibrations” richter scale. A seamless blend of propulsive and sometimes furious beats form the foundation for this full-length to rest on. In fact, Aural Planet’s debut with Poland based Vivo Records will definitely rate as one of the Top 10 albums we’ve heard all year (2002).. and will undergo plenty of rotations in 2003. Fans of Ad Noiseam, Component Records, Sonic-Terror take note.

Highlight tracks include, “Paleo”, “Subtropolis 10893”, “Upsilon”, “Phoebus” and “Costa del Nimphos”. For MP3 sound-clips check the Vivo Website and click on “Aural Planet”.

5 Ex Engine is out now on Vivo Records.

  • Vivo Website
  • Aural Planet Website
  • (Review: Dec. 2004)
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