Andy Stott :: Merciless (Modern Love, CD/2LP)

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(10.27.06) Prepare yourself for one of the smoothest techno records ever made. If you liked Claro Intelecto’s Neurofibro, then you must know that Merciless is even more slick and classic.

The analog bass of “Florence” recalls LFO of the early 90’s, only rarefied and softened by piano tones. No matter how fast the tempo is, the crystalline perfection of the beats and the stripped out acid tones make this album perfect for home listening, sipping a Martini on the couch. With this laid back setting you will also fully appreciate the dramatic coupling between eerie strings and minimal melodies of unheard moving beauty. This feature is more evident in a couple of bubbling dub tracks, “Choke” and “Blocked,” whose deadly slowness reveals immense spaces reverberating with sound. Beyond this relaxing attitude, there’s no doubt some of these tunes will cause havoc on any floor, like “Come To Me” that has a tremendous pulsating bassline, or “Boutique,” whose slapped bass injects a funky party vibe just before the epic ending. After the aforementioned “Blocked,” comes the reinterpretation of Claro Intelecto’s “Peace Of Mind,” reduced to bare atmospheres and tapped piano keys to create a terrific emotional farewell.

There are absolutely no excuses to pass on this one, such a quality record must not be missed, you’ll be amazed by its sheer perfection.

Merciless is out now on Modern Love. Buy it at

  • Modern Love
  • Andy Stott
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