No Comment, on one slab of wax, have broached a number of electronic styles. From the minimal techno of Albert Van Abbe to the clinical electro of Heinrich Mueller and into the dark cerebral depths of “P4S_1000291010.” Not bad going for the for a debut EP.

The Dutch are up to it once again. No Comment is the latest electro imprint from The Netherlands with a manifesto:
“No comment is a platform focused on sharing channelled auditive and synaesthetic/multi sensory perceptions. The concept was conceived to help the energy levels rise towards the transcendence of spacetime, entering the multiverse. The message is in the music, this is your last call. Decode to be illuminated!”
To start off this platform is label boss Albert Van Abbe with a three tracker simply entitled No Comment_0001. Mr Van Abbe has had vinyl releases under other aliases such as Penik-Ettek / The Pulse Projects (Bunker Records) / Clay and has MP3 releases on labels like Kala Recordings.
The opener is memorably entitled “NCS_0009121010.” This barcode readout shuffles into life before some snare is injected. The track builds slowly before analogue pads drop in amongst the beats. The pace is strong yet there is a minimal note to the content. There is an element of the sinister in here too, embedded in the early Redshape constructs and Quantec similarities. Very well made piece of techno. Two artists seem to be cropping up on the remix carousel more and more, Legowelt and Heinrich Mueller. It is the secretive Mr Mueller, half of Dopplereffekt, who has added his cold electro services to “NCS_0009121010” on the flipside. The trademark warbling backdrop of macabre industry is there, alongside powerful and dominating beats. The dark pads of the original are transformed into breath-like chords, almost introducing stark vocals in the proceedings. The listener isn’t allowed to leave the sepulchral cave of No Comment 0001, instead being sealed into the blackness with “P4S_1000291010.” Ambient experimentation finishes off this first 12”. Cold murmuring noise carves a new loneliness into silence; think solitude and space soundtrack and you’re on the right lines.
No Comment, on one slab of wax, have broached a number of electronic styles. From the minimal techno of Albert Van Abbe to the clinical electro of Heinrich Mueller and into the dark cerebral depths of “P4S_1000291010.” Not bad going for the for a debut EP.
No Comment_0001 is out now on No Comment.
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