Adult. :: Anxiety Always (Ersatz Audio)

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413 image 1In the days before electroclash was even a word, Ersatz Audio had been releasing cool modern electro with old skool values for years. Whilst keeping a close eye on quality control, Ersatz label owners Adam Lee Miller and Nicola Kuperus used the label as an outlet for their own project Adult., a group that maintained all the values of the new wave and electro scenes of the 80’s but updated the sound into it’s modern equivalent, making the genre their own.

With Anxiety Always, the Adult. sound is updated even more, with a slightly more modern uptempo edge to it, even Kuperus’ usually nonchalant vocal style is more expressive. Adult.’s straight analogue electro sound is brighter and livelier with a more upbeat electro-punk edge to it, resulting in a more optimistic outcome. Occasionally reminiscent of the best in classic alternative electronic bands, Adult. acknowledge their influences without trying to sound like them, updating their electro style for the new millennium. Kuperus’ new found vocal enthusiasm is most evident on tracks like “Shake Your Head” where she cheerfully encourages you to do just that, the robotic chant of “People, You Can Confuse”, the psychotically childish taunt of “Blank Eyed, Nose Bleed” or the mischievously playful “Kick in the Shin”. Even the artwork includes oddly humorous pictorial representations of tracks from the album, namely “Glue Your Eyelids Together” and “Kick in the Shin”.

Anxiety Always is a more electro-punk and entirely more energetic and lively prospect than previously seen from Adult. Kuperus’ vocal is more taunting and full of attitude than the more monotone (yet still perfectly fitting) vocal style she usually adopts. More of what you come to expect from Adult. but with an added attitude.

Anxiety Always is out now on Ersatz Audio.

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