Access To Arasaka :: Orbitus (Tympanik Audio)

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Skillfully moving brushed sounds into new spaces, Orbitus bridges the void between distant post-industrial phases intermixed with exp-fluctuations and remains timeless with its universal electronic tapestry.

Access To Arasaka 'Orbitus'

[Download] Disparate landscapes of loosened soil and microscopic layers seeped in electrical debris cascade in the darkness on Orbitus, a (free) digital-download album of extraterrestrial appeal. Time lays dormant within each piece; a tranquil prelude into past and future worlds persists as sliced ambiences and subtle thumps reminisce. Orbitus stems from Access To Arasaka‘s vortex of cerebral tectonics, an area running technologically parallel to musicians like Loess, Dryft and Lexaunculpt; a capsule of audio extracts that erupts in small doses. These ever so emotive waves of sound flourish as if propelled by vintage machines all working in unison and in contrast. As a free release, it would behoove fans of Tympanik Audio, ATA and especially those looking for escapist audio creations, not to download Orbitus. Its range of creative outbursts gravitates peacefully upon the ears and comes across as a soundtrack to a misplaced sci-fi film from the archives. Skillfully moving brushed sounds into new spaces, Orbitus bridges the void between distant post-industrial phases intermixed with exp-fluctuations and remains timeless with its universal electronic tapestry. Technology may be at the core of Orbitus‘ sonic engine, but its soul is undeniably organic and psychologically beautiful. Forty-minutes spread across nine meticulous pieces is cause enough to point your browsers to and discern for yourself; let this inspirational trajectory take you into its depths.

Orbitus is out now on Tympanik Audio. [Download]

[audio:|titles=Access To Araska “Ellipse”]
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