Roel Funcken proves to be a master of technoid, bass heavy and intelligent dance music that defies any genre. Dragomane Misinize is an album built for intense listening. The sounds and manipulations demonstrated throughout are carefully placed and never feel out of sync, despite the complexity of beats, progression, and slowly growing electronic organisms.

Slowly growing electronic organisms
[Press Release] September 15th, 2020 sees the release of Roel Funcken’s latest musical and visual offering Dragonmane Misinize on his own Bion Glent imprint available as digital, vinyl, poster, and t-shirt editions.
Fans of electronic music, and IDM in general, have been tracking this Dutch musician for over a decade on such labels as Funcken Industry, Outside, Schematic, Eat Concrete, Ad Noiseam, ShipWrec, Tympanik Audio, Combat Recording, Analogical Force, Igloomag, Headphone Commutes, Data.Wave, A strangely Isolated Place et al. Roel Funcken proves to be a master of technoid, bass heavy and intelligent dance music that defies any genre. Dragomane Misinize is an album built for intense listening. The sounds and manipulations demonstrated throughout are carefully placed and never feel out of sync, despite the complexity of beats, progression, and slowly growing electronic organisms.
Listen/watch to the exclusive track premiere for “Munai Bailer” and video for “Otonbori Dosaka” today!
Tracklist ::
A1 :: Otonbori Dosaka
A2 :: Foucault Pendula
A3 :: Munai Bailer
A4 :: A Dyad in the Force
B1 :: Preneral Jyde
B2 :: Theospinel Sulfide
B3 :: Ekto Gambit
B4 :: Zonic Emulsifizm
All tracks written and produced by Roel Funcken
Art is a painting by Roel Funcken called Dragomane Misinize
Design/Layout by Moicflo
Mastered by Snap Mastering
Video for “Otonbori Dosaka” by Seskamol
Bion Glent records BG2020.001
Dragomane Misinize is available on Bion Glent on September 15th, 2020. [Bandcamp | US Customers]