Poppy Ackroyd remix of Floex and Tom Hodge & Czech Republic tour November 2018

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A remix of “Machines are Dancing” by Poppy Ackroyd is to be released imminently, as part of the Floex and Tom Hodge album release, A Portrait Of John Doe.

Remix of “Machines are Dancing” by Poppy Ackroyd

A remix of “Machines are Dancing” by Poppy Ackroyd is to be released imminently, as part of the Floex and Tom Hodge album release, A Portrait Of John Doe. “Machines are Dancing” is the third track on Floex and Tom Hodge’s collaboration, A Portrait Of John Doe. The remix will be released with the Mercury KX label. Poppy Ackroyd is a British based musician, signed to Bjork’s label, One Little Indian. “Releasing a single with a remix appealed to us. We put out the “Wednesday (is the New Friday)” remix with Hidden Orchestra. Then we released a remix by Max Cooper of a track, “John Doe Arise.” Following that, our track “Prelude” was remixed by Deltawerk. Now, “Machines are Dancing” will be released by Poppy Ackroyd. We decided to pair the tracks off, in an old school, A-side, B-side fashion. It appealed to us,” said Tom Hodge during a recent interview with Igloo.

Premier of Floex and Tom Hodge’s “Machines are Dancing” remix by Poppy Ackroyd ::
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Tour Czech Republic with “Virtual Orchestra” Nov 6th – 14th

Floex and Tom Hodge will recreate a virtual orchestra during their tour of the Czech Republic, November 6th – 14th. They used 35 GoPros to simulate a video image of the Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra to accompany them. They are recreating the conditions for the orchestra heard in new album A Portrait Of John Doe as the Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra are not available for their tour dates. “As you know, orchestras are booked months in advance. We’ll have a band, Floex, Tom Hodge, our percussionist plus the orchestra,” said Tom Hodge on a recent interview with us. “This is one format we’ll introduce in the fall – we’re still trying to play with a [live] orchestra. Both versions are realistic,” Floex added.

A Portrait Of John Doe is available on Mercury KX. [CD or Vinyl]

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