Keller Crackers :: KC (Marmo Music)

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Ever one to look out for the out-there outsiders of outer-rim electronics, Marmo Music has plumbed the inter-depths to unearth a Berlin trio. Keller Crackers, Konstantinos Tassopoulos, Anna Vila and Sylvana Wickman, are a crack team of experimenters, utilizing a bank of modular machines, distant voices and a self-made steel cello in their compositions. The group’s first release, KC, comes in the wake of a number of inspirational live shows in the German capital and captures the energy of these one of a kind performances.

Ever one to look out for the out-there outsiders of outer-rim electronics, Marmo Music has plumbed the inter-depths to unearth a Berlin trio. Keller Crackers, Konstantinos Tassopoulos, Anna Vila and Sylvana Wickman, are a crack team of experimenters, utilizing a bank of modular machines, distant voices and a self-made steel cello in their compositions. The group’s first release, KC, comes in the wake of a number of inspirational live shows in the German capital and captures the energy of these one of a kind performances.

Ambient tones are tethered by pulsing pads in the strangely alluring “Specialised.” Spoken word coldly recounts services, “pest control, breast reduction, clothing”, that echo and fade next a towering wall of trembling sound. “Cow Tongue” follows, a fifty second lament to this “disappearing delicacy.” Nothing is quite stable on the record with sands and sounds constantly shifting and re-adjusting. “Αιθουσες Αναμονης”, meaning “Waiting Rooms”, is emblematic of the unsettling nature of Keller Crackers. Vocals stalk a stark beat, lost in a forest of circuit bent melodies and resonance. The flip sees Antinote’s Tolouse Low Trax turn his able hand to “Specialised.” The German artist steadies the floating introspection of the original with a rudder of percussion, a slow steam engine chug, steering complementary hues and shades into his interpretation while maintaining the uncertain course. “Colours” closes. A dreamy poetic fairytale of whimsical synthlines, shimmering chords and arcing flute notes care of Robert Würz, this final curtain is arguably the most playful of the quintet on offer.

The musicians associated with Marmo are not exactly known for coloring inside the lines. Keller Crackers are no exception. Through abstract medley, reimagined ballads, analogue noodling and cello string, the triumvirate of Tassopoulos, Vila and Wickman challenge preconceptions and boldly present their audio art. A group daring to be different, and undoubtedly succeeding in their endeavor.

The release party for KC will take place at ACUD macht neu in Berlin on April 12th with live performances from Keller Crackers and Tolouse Low Trax.

KC is available as on Marmo Music March 29, 2019. Soundcloud | Facebook

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