Glanko & Daniel Bailey :: Isometrik EP (Hidden Shoal)

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Running parallel elements you might encounter alongside Loess and Loscil, each piece opens vivid laid-back sound arrays, textures, tones and trips.

Glanko & Daniel Bailey :: Isometrik EP (Hidden Shoal)

Two friends taking different musical paths—Glanko filtering glitch-data streams and electronics (ref. Igloo’s 2014 Alset review released on Halbsicht), Daniel Bailey on the guitarist/songwriter spectrum—bring together their strengths on the Isometrik EP with Australia’s expansive Hidden Shoal imprint.

A 4-track, 23-minute manifest featruring subdued low-pressure and high emotion, each slice a fragment of life, like fading Polaroids in your grandparents attic. Running parallel elements you might encounter alongside Loess and Loscil, each piece opens vivid laid-back sound arrays, textures, tones and trips.

“In Eboli,” perhaps the beatier of the lot, loops its synth note around chilled background noises. Lightly dabbling in the mist, bass line in full color, this opener rolls by vast classical plateaus. “Vaucanson” delivers airy soundtrack treatments, piano keys and a solemn venture through time. Isometrik allows a multi-dimensional sphere to appear, its sonic resonance clear to the ears as it delves deeper into spacious trajectories. “Consunzione” reveals falling rain drops, a sparse, if not dark drone punctured by emotive keys gradually expanding as the minutes begin to collapse in surreal harmony. “Adiaphora” blurs the audible lines—its softer shoegaze flow and pillowed blur forms a cohesive dreamscape encapsulating the entire EP. A well-conceived quadruplet that will hopefully spark further interests in a full-length collaboration.

Isometrik is available on Hidden Shoal.

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