BITS & PIECES with Madeleine Cocolas

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BITS & PIECES with Madeleine Cocolas

The first album you bought?

The first album I recall buying was the Star Wars soundtrack. I can’t remember exactly how old I was when I bought it (it was around the time I had my Luke Skywalker toothbrush), but it completely blew my mind and started off a long love affair with soundtracks.

The last album you were addicted to?

The two albums I’ve listened to the most over the past year have been Benoît Pioulard’s incredibly beautiful album ‘Sonnet’ and Holly Herndon’s amazing ‘Platform’. The albums I’ve been addicted to most over my lifetime though would be Mike Oldfield’s ‘Tubular Bells’ closely followed by Philip Glass’s ‘Glassworks’.

A movie you can always watch?

A movie I can always watch would be ‘Charade’ with Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant, which is my favorite film of all time. Set mostly in Paris, it has a winning combination of beautiful Givenchy outfits, a cracking Mancini score and a healthy dose of 60’s misogynistic charm.

A book you couldn’t stop reading?

The Little Prince. I don’t know how many times I’ve read it now, but it gets me each time.

The weirdest thing that has ever happened to you on stage or in the studio?

Hmmm, I’ve racked my brain with this question, and whilst I’m tempted to make something fantastic up here, the truth is I’m not sure anything particularly weird has happened to me on the stage or in the studio.

A favorite piece of equipment?

Without a doubt my favorite piece of equipment is my Nord Stage. The pitch bend on that gets a real workout.

A description of your music you’ll never forget?

I love that I’ve been described as an ‘outback Arvo Pärt’!

Madeleine‘s debut album, Cascadia, was released last December on Futuresequence.

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