More Black Then God :: 1964 Zen in the Drones (Aetheric)

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More Black Then God creates dank storm culvert ambient in 1964 Zen in the Drones.

more black then god - 1964 zen in the dronesSean Derrick Cooper Marquardt of Berlin via Chicago has released an impressive amount of music both under his own name and as More Black Then God (sic). I’ve barely scratched the surface of the rest of his work, but find it fitting that he has shared plenty of digital dataspace with Elizabeth Veldon; their experimental aesthetics, pronounced political agenda and prodigious release schedules hint at kindred souls. 1964 Zen in the Drones has the same freighted featurelessness as her A Blasted Victoriana.

Wielding “accidental guitar,” this three-inch disc contains two major pieces and a spooky two-minute afterlude. Intending to loop his way into a more profound understanding of our eternal return, More Black Then God creates dank storm culvert ambient, its vaulted brick hung with small Buddha bells on “24.” Their ringing brings no comfort, and “January” is even more alienating, its high pitch opening wounds, its gong reverb icy cold. Zen and the art of clammy isolationism.

1964 Zen in the Drones is available on Aetheric.

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