Sonja Berlin-Jones :: Phlegmgemming (Rest Relax)

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After hundreds of hours of music on Bandcamp and in tiny handmade, self-released editions, Phlegmgemming is the first “real” (his word) release for this artist, which is to say his first label release.

Sonja Berlin-Jones :: Phlegmgemming

After hundreds of hours of music on Bandcamp and in tiny handmade, self-released editions, Phlegmgemming is the first “real” (his word) release for this artist, which is to say his first label release. Yes, “his,” for Sonja Berlin-Jones is a gentleman from Southampton whose fascinating, hermetic career you can read about here.

The cleverly-named head rush ”Stammerer” is a half-hour of his particular trademark dub techno, careening at speed, stuffed with rhythms, the faulty-mechanics conceit echoing the genre´s hetmen at Basic Channel and Chain Reaction but undermined by literal “stammerings,” where the fluid, maximalist roll elegantly trips over itself only to regain equilibrium. ”Hospicely-Timeless” is a Zen brook running through a Zen garden with looped Zen bells tolling softly, its resound shifting slowly as the seasons. “Frisked” is extended dub ambient, numerous loops alley-ooping over soft-shoe draggy beats, dripping rich, golden glockenspiel notes. Like his body of work as a whole, it is about mutability, the pliability of ostensible sameness over duration, only on “Frisked,” more so. On “Abortive Downtempo Ten,” we hear a sampled (Russian?) voice among clusters of piano woven in and out like a shoe lace bow. Also nice and long, fifteen minutes, enjoy the shifts and changes.

Shortly before the arrival of this release, the artist declared Sonja Berlin-Jones’ forced retirement, and reappeared under a new name, with a new discography already bursting with permutations and variations on his particular obsessions.

Also highly recommended on the two-year-old Liverpool label’s discography is the self-titled, cassette collection of colorful storybook ambient tales by Bisamråtta, guitarist Vladimir Luchansky of Novosibirsk, a dappled collection of smiles, kisses and sighs at odds with its weirdly anatomizing, Swedish-language titles.

Phlegmgemming is available on Rest Relax.

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